Saint Trinity Lavra

Lavra is foundedin 1345 (under other date in 1337) as lonely hermitage by sons of the Rostov boyar Cyril Varfolomey and Stefanom. Varfolomey who has accepted soon monastic postrizhenie with name Sergy, has become history of Russia as the associate of the Moscow princes in business of association of the isolated Russian grounds, but, first of all, as inok, preached and embodied in a life of idea nestyazhatelstva and diligences.

Saint Trinity Lavra

Per 1355 in Troitsk a monastery has been entered obshchezhitijnyj the charter regulated all of the party(side) of a monastic life. The new order, and also increase in number inokov have caused reorganization of all monastery. Instead of freely located kely there was precisely planned wooden small town consisting of three zones: public, inhabited and defensive. The monastery has kept this scheme(plan) of the plan up to now.
Special stage in history of a monastery - canonization of its(his) founder Sergiya Radonezhskogo in 1422 This event has noted been by a solemn bookmark belokamennogo Troitskogo a cathedral above coffin Sergiya.

Per 1608-1610 sixteen months to the Trinity-?NOu?No the monastery was in osade 30-thousand group of the �������-Lithuanian interventionists. The feat of arms of defenders of a monastery has got wide popularity in the country and promoted the further growth of authority of a monastery.

In 1744 the monastery has been awarded by the decree of empress Elizabeth Petrovny Troitse-Sergiev of a honourable title of "laurels" In the middle of XVIII century to the Trinity-?NOu?Noa of laurels by quantity(amount) of the grounds belonged it(her) and the shower was the first not only among spiritual, but also among secular feudal lords. In possession of a monastery was 214 thousand desyatin the grounds and more than 106 thousand souls of serfs in 15 provinces and 45 cities of the country.
In 1764 as a result sekulyarizatsii the monastic grounds (the announcement their state ownership) Laurels has lost all possession. For the maintenance(contents) of "staff(state)": 100 inokov and 100 attendants, means were allocated with the state.

With 1919 on 1946 Troitsky the monastery has been closed.
On a boundary of the third millenium to the Trinity-?NOu?Noa of laurels - an operating(a working) man's monastery, the spiritual center of all orthodox Russia.
Monuments. The architectural ensemble to the Trinity-?NOu?No�� laurels is included in the List of the World heritage of UNESCO (1993). Numerous lavrskie the constructions erected during XV - XIX centuries the best masters of Russia, represent the original visual aid on history of Russian architecture.

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